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Is Your Cat Trying To Kill You: A Card Game
Is Your Cat Trying To Kill You: A Card Game
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Is Your Cat Trying To Kill You: A Card Game

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Are you the prey your purring little predator has in mind? Play this card game to find out. (You can thank us later for saving your life.)
  • Take a card from the pack of 52 and answer the question about your kitty's behavior to determine how likely it is that it's planning to kill you.
  • An example question reads: "They sharpen their claws on the corner of the sofa or doorframe—bonus dagger point if they look directly at you while doing it." Answer with Never, Rarely, or Frequently.
  • At the end of the game, tally up your points (never=1 dagger, rarely=2, frequently=3) to find out if you're on kitty's good side or top of the scratch list.
  • Play solo or with your favorite feline fans.
  • A felt catnip toy is included so no matter how evil your cat turns out to be, you can win them over to be your ally—not your killer.
  • Made in China.